The House of Records is open for new scribes to register and assist the Record Keeper in contributing to the upkeep of the records!

Simply enter your details, read the rules and get involved!

Become a scribe, be granted a Scribe Rank award

Scribes who make regular, consistent edits and create required pages from ‘red links’ in the wiki will qualify for the Scribe Novice reward. From thereon the scribe can progress up to Scribe Master. 

Each Rank Award is given in NFT form. If you have earned a particular rank, you will benefit from House of Records NFT drops, with NFTs representing books and scrolls from the records! There will be benefits to holding certain collections – watch this space..

* Level 1 * Scribe Novice – registering as a scribe, making regular, consistent edits and creating required pages from ‘red links’ results in the Scribe Novice reward.

* Level 2* Scribe Assistant – following the above, making regular and consistent edits conforming to the rules. Also, creating occasional new pages as new lore is released and recording notable events as they happen in VulcanVerse (battles, special days, factions, notable groups, buildings etc), results in the scribe becoming a Scribe Assistant.

* Level 3* Scribe Smith – Regularly creating new pages, updating as new events take place, looking further into the workings of a wiki and putting research into practice – for example creating tables, templates and so on, as well as the previously mentioned Novice and Assistant work results in the Scribe Smith accolade.

* Level 4* Scribe Master – the highest attainable level, the Master Scribe award and title is rewarded to those who assist the Record Keeper in maintaining order in the House of Records. This includes editing other entries and bringing them into line with the House of Records general style, adding appropriate infoboxes and of course all of the previous – adding new pages on notable events, buildings, general edits and so on.