Welcome adventurer.
VulcanVerse is a new Olympus, forged by the God Vulcan – using human science to create ‘a world beyond the fickle, ephemeral dreams of mankind.’
You stand in the House of Records. Here, you will find chronicles and lore on all of VulcanVerse. From landmarks, places of interest, flora, fauna and Vulcanites, to the recent, human made history of this God-forged digital island.

Adventurer! Be wary when browsing our chronicles – do not pick up a quill so readily.. The House of Records may be watched over by the Record Keeper, but all Gods and mortals have the ability to contribute to these tomes. This does not, however, mean that our libraries are free from rules. We invite all dwellers of VulcanVerse to contribute to our records, should they possess the digital skill and knowledge to do so.
In VulcanVerse, the House of Records can be found in the Gardens of Arcadia, between the Great Forest and the sea, in the shadow of Ourea’s eastern mountains. Looking for the records? Observe the Records below.
You can now commission the Record Keeper to create a personal scroll of your history, with a personal logo made should you need one, which will be sent to you in NFT form.
This will also enshrine your lore and title in the House of Records.

~ Support the House of Records ~
The House of Records, keepers of the VulcanVerse Lore, need your generous donations in the form of $PYR to maintain the house, repair the walls, keep the rain from our sacred chronicles and pay tribute to the digital overlords (that would be web hosting, domain and so forth..) so that we may continue to record the lore and events of VulcanVerse.
The Record Keeper maintains the records not for payment, but to please the Gods and to retain order and memory.
Though Vulcan blessed, VulcanVerseLore.com is unofficial and landowner made.
Vulcan Forged $PYR (MATIC PYR, on Polygon network) donation address: